High Court Of Gujarat Recruitment 2021 For Computer Operator : The High Court of Gujarat invites ‘Online Application’ from eligible Candidates for filling up a total of 19 vacant posts of Computer Operator (Information Technology Cell) in the Pay Matrix of Rs.19,90063,200/ plus usual allowances as per the Rules, on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat, by way of Direct Recruitment.
High Court Of Gujarat Recruitment 2021 For Computer Operator

Name of Organization: HighCourt Of Gujarat
Total No.of Posts:19
Name of the Posts: Computer Operator (IT Cell)
[as on the Last Date for submitting Online Application i.e. 15/02/2021] :
(A) Essential Educational Qualification :
(i) Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Application/Information Technology / Computer Science or its equivalent from a recognized University or from an Institution duly recognized by the Gujarat Government / Central Government.
(ii) 03 years Diploma Course in Computer Science/Information Technology or its equivalent from a Polytechnic Institute duly recognized by the Gujarat Government / Central Government.
(iii) Bachelor’s Degree or its equivalent from a recognized University; And
(iv) Diploma of at least one Year duration in Data Entry Operation/Computer Application/Computer Programming or its equivalent from a recognized University or from an Institute duly recognized by the Gujarat Government / Central Government.
“O” Level Course from DOEACC Society.
Age Limit : A Candidate applying to the said posts, shall not be less than 18 years and not more than 35 years of age, as on the last date of submitting Online Application i.e. on 15/02/2021.
The Competitive Examination shall consist of :
(A) Elimination Test (Objective Type MCQs) [100 Marks]
(B) Computer Aided Test [80 Marks]
(C) VivaVoce Test [20 Marks]
(a) Before fillingup the ‘Online Application’, Candidate is advised to thoroughly read and understand the Detailed Advertisement and the Instructions herein and should ensure that he/she fulfills all the eligibility criteria and other norms mentioned above and that the particulars filledin by him/her are true and correct in all respects. In case, it is detected at any stage of Recruitment Process or even before Appointment, that a Candidate does/did not fulfill the eligibility criteria/ norms and/or that he/she has/had suppressed / twisted or truncated any material facts, his/her Candidature shall be liable to be Cancelled. If, any of these shortcomings is/are detected even after Appointment, his/her service will be liable to be terminated with immediate effect.
(b) Candidate should have his/her own/family member’s ‘registered’ Mobile Number and the same should be kept active during the entire Recruitment Process as SMS alerts for the various Tests are also likely to be sent on the said Mobile Number, registered in the ‘Online
(c) Candidate should scan his/her photograph having 5 c.m. of height and 3.6 c.m. of width (15kb) and signature having 2.5 c.m. of height and 7.5 c.m. of width (15kb) in jpg format for uploading the same at relevant space in the Online Application.
(d) Steps for submitting ‘Online Application’ through the ‘OJAS’ Module:
1) Fillup all the Fields given in Online Application including mandatory Fields, carefully.
2) ‘Save’ the Online Application, by clicking ‘Save’ button.
3) Thereafter, a new popup window will appear, displaying the ‘Application Number’, meaning thereby the Application is saved successfully. Candidate shall, note down the entire string of the Application Number (e.g. HCG/202021/83/11111). By clicking ‘Show Application Preview’ Button, onscreen preview of the Application will be displayed.
4) Thereafter, by entering Application Number and Date of Birth, upload scanned photograph and signature at relevant space on the application and ensure that, the uploaded ‘Photograph’ & ‘Signature’, are distinctly recognizable, after uploading.
Important Dates for HC Bharti 2021:
Starting Date for Submission Of Online Application :25-01-2021
Last Date for Submission Of Online Application : 15-02-2021
Important Links :
Click here for Recruitment Advt.
Click here for official Notification