Valsad Ashramshala Bharti 2023 The Gram Seva Sabha Dhaframpur in Valsad District has recently released a recruitment advertisement for the positions of Vidhyasahayak in 2023. Interested and eligible candidates are advised to refer to the official advertisement to obtain more information about the recruitment process, including age limit, educational qualifications, selection process, application fees, and instructions on how to apply.
The Adijati Vikas Department plays an important role in the development of tribal communities in the Valsad District of India, and this recruitment drive is a valuable opportunity for candidates seeking employment in the education sector. It is recommended that interested candidates carefully review the eligibility criteria and follow the guidelines provided in the official advertisement to submit a successful application for the Vidhyasahayak posts.
Valsad Ashramshala Bharti 2023
Adijati Vikas Department, Valsad District for direct recruitment of Academic Assistants and Teaching Assistants in the following Government-aided Ashramshalas through Assistant Commissioner Adijati Vikas Dahod has published notification for 2 posts recruitment.
Valsad Ashramshala Bharti 2023
(1) The candidate should have passed all the required qualifying examinations and TET/TAT examination in the relevant subject (if applicable) prescribed by the State Government by the last date of application.
(2) For reserved posts, the candidate belonging to that caste shall enclose a copy of caste certificate issued by the competent authority for the respective caste and non-crimelayer certificate (if applicable).
Please read Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.
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- Vidhyasahayak
Valsad Ashramshala Bharti 2023
- 02
Valsad Ashramshala Bharti 2023
(1) The candidate should have passed all the required qualifying examinations and TET/TAT examination in the relevant subject (if applicable) prescribed by the State Government by the last date of application.
(2) For reserved posts, the candidate belonging to that caste shall enclose a copy of caste certificate issued by the competent authority for the respective caste and non-crimelayer certificate (if applicable).
(3) The District Level Selection Committee shall be as prescribed by the Govt. After the verification of the candidate’s certificates by the selection committee, the selected candidate will be appointed by the institute after confirmation by the Assistant Commissioner.
(4) Salary – 19,950 per month, For Class 9, 10 teaching assistant Rs. 25,000 per month and teaching assistants of class-11, 12 will be appointed on a fixed salary of Rs 26,000 per month. If the service is found to be satisfactory, after five years it will be considered for inclusion in the regular pay scale.
(5)After getting regular appointment, the candidate will be eligible for the benefit of new pension scheme of Govt. If the service is not found satisfactory, the service can be terminated even before five years with one month’s notice. Should have passed.
(6) The age of the candidate on the last day of application should be within the age limit as decided by the Govt. Age limit may be relaxed as per rules,
(7)Government employee or employee of Board/Corporation organization receiving grant from Govt.No.C of Appointing Authority. (No Objection Certificate) has to be enclosed with the application form.
(8) If the candidate has submitted wrong information, his application will be automatically cancelled.
(9) Should have basic knowledge of computer use as per Sarkarshree.
(10) If the female employee is to perform the duty of house mother and the male employee is to perform the duty of house husband, each employee is required to be on site 24 hours in the Ashramshala, they will be provided accommodation facility free of charge by the institution. An employee not residing at the place shall be dismissed for disciplinary offence,
(11) The employee shall comply with the general disciplinary rules prescribed by the Tribal Development Department or the Education Department from time to time. Relevant provisions of the Mumbai Primary Education Act, 1949 and the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Act, 1972 shall also apply.
Valsad Ashramshala Bharti 2023 – How To Apply ?
- ઉપરોક્ત જાહેરાત અનુસાર લાયકાત ધરાવતા ઉમેદવારે તમામ પ્રમાણપત્રોની સ્વ-પ્રમાણિત નકલ તથા પાસપોર્ટ સાઈઝના બે ફોટા (જો વધારાની લાયકાત ધરાવતા હોય તો તે પણ) અરજી સાથે સામેલ રાખી તા. 06/03/2023 પહેલાં ઉક્ત સરનામે મળી જાય તે રીતે ફક્ત R.P.A.D.થી જ અરજી મોકલવાની રહેશે.
- તે પછીથી મળેલ અરજીઓને ધ્યાને લેવામાં આવશે નહિ.
- અરજીના કવર પર લાલ પેનથી કંઈ આશ્રમશાળા માટે અરજી કરેલ છે, તે દર્શાવવાનું રહેશે,
- એકથી વધુ આશ્રમશાળાઓની જગ્યા માટે ઉમેદવારી નોંધાવવા ઇચ્છુક ઉમેદવારે તમામ સંબંધિત સંસ્થામાં અલગ-અલગ કવરમાં અરજી કરવાની રહેશે.
- ઉમેદવારે પ્રમુખશ્રી – શ્રી ગ્રામ સેવા સભા ધરમપુર, એન.આર.રાઉત સાર્વજનિક હાઈસ્કૂલ, નાનાપોંઢા મુ.પો.નાનાપોંઢા તા. કપરાડા જિ. વલસાડ ૩૯૬૧૨૬ પર અરજી મોકલી આપવાની રહેશે.
Chhotaudepur Ashramshala Vidhyasahayk Bharti Link
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