PA PA Pagali Project 2021 : According to the resolution taken on the reading, in the year 2021-2, through the project “Pa Pa Pagli”, the children of 3-4 years coming to Anganwadi should be given a strong foundation for their quality of life in the important years of life. The child should develop holistically and be prepared for kindergarten education The government has kept.
PA PA Pagali Project 2021
Under the new education policy 2020, pre-primary education is considered very important for the child’s further schooling. For this, pre-primary education has to be given to children from 3 to 6 years in Anganwadi. Thus the important foundation of a child’s education (2-3 years) will be laid in the Anganwadi of the state. After 3 years, the child will leave Anganwadi and enter the school in preparatory class.

Anganwadi worker for pre-primary education of 4-5 year old children as per new education policy 2020. Must be trained. For this GCERT. Through their educational for Anganwadi worker. Online distance learning courses and training will be organized as per qualifications.
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After taking this course and training, to provide continuous educational guidance to the Anganwadi worker, under the project step by step, PSE Consultant at State level – 1 District and District PSE Instructor at District and Corporation level and Block PSE Instructor at component level – 327 posts will be outsourced.
PA PA Pagali Project 2021
Details of the planned budget provision
The following provision has been made for consultants and instructors for project implementation, monitoring capacity building and guidance. All vacancies out of State District Corporation / Component level vacancies to be filled by outsourcing. The manpower required for this will have to be suggested by the outsourced agency. Determined required for this service
The outsourced agency has to provide a list of 3 (three) times the number of qualified manpower. The list of which has to be given to the Municipal Commissioner of the Corporation, District Development Officer of the district and Program Officer within the time limit. 2. Complete details for the assigned manpower should be maintained by the outsourced agency including selected manpower’s biodata, photograph, experience, qualification, date of service, etc.Things have to be done.
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PA PA Pagali Project 2021
The program officer will have to verify the qualifications and experience prescribed for each post and suggest a list for appointment. ICDS. Office Corporation outsourced agency from District Panchayat to the candidate. The agency will have to remove them immediately after receiving instructions to terminate the services as well. According to the jury, qualified manpower should be provided with immediate effect.
In case of any financial loss to the government by the manpower provided by the outsourced agency, the amount should be paid to the government by the outsourced agency and the required bond should be obtained. Will be confiscated as well as action will be taken under the Indian Criminal Code if necessary.The outsourced agency shall make all deductions as per the prevailing policy-rules of the Government. As well as the amount of such deduction to be credited as per the rules credited to the respective account Will have to be done.
PA PA Pagali Project 2021
The amount of monthly remuneration to the manpower appointed by the outsourced agency should be regularly credited to the account of the nominated candidate by the 5th of every month and added to the detailed list of credited District Corporation ICDS. Is the manpower wise number provided by the outsourced agency regularly on duty? That But the district office as well as the constituent office are the motoring of this manpower under their control Will have to be done periodically.
PA PA Pagali Project 2021
Download Detailed Circular Regarding PA PA Pagali Project
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