Schools Reopen 2021 : Schools reopen date: The online class days for students are almost over! Several states in the country are resuming the conventional offline mode of classes, which means students will have to attend school regularly.
Schools Reopen 2021
Gujarat government on Friday said it is planning to reopen schools for class 12 students and colleges for undergraduate and postgraduate students from July 15. Issuing fresh guidelines, the state government said that only 50 per cent of students will be allowed to attend campuses. It also added that the students can attend physical classes on a voluntary basis. However, physical attendance will not be made mandatory, it said.

As per the guidelines, the schools and colleges will have to follow strict COVID-19 guidelines and follow the standard operating principles including mandatory masks, social distancing, sanitization among others.
Also read : Home Learning STD 12 Daily Video – Watch Daily Live Class Video

Schools Reopen 2021
“All offline classes of standard 1 to 9 in government and private schools will be closed down for an indefinite period from Monday. Online education will be encouraged. The decision was taken keeping in mind the safety of students when Covid-19 cases have surged in the state,” a release from the CM’s office said, as reported by PTI.
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However, the question of when will school reopen in India 2021 is still unanswered. Keeping the possible third COVID-19 wave in mind, state governments are encouraging online classes. Last year, states like Haryana and Uttar Pradesh have opened schools for some classes.
Schools Reopen 2021
Here we have given a glimpse of Reopen Date of School in Tamil Nadu, Haryana, Punjab, and all other State wise today updates here.. What each state government has planned to re open schools in India are briefed in this article. If you belong from Maharashtra, Punjab, AP, West Bengal, J&K, Jharkhand, Odisha, you will get all the desired information on Schools Reopen Date in India. In these the common question is asked by the students is When School Reopens in Our State. As the Covid graph decline and so the state wise latest news on School Reopening Date and summer classes update is given below.
The Gujarat government on Thursday allowed the reopening of schools for students of classes 9 to 11 from July 26 with 50% capacity with all coronavirus-related guidelines in place. The government said students who are willing to attend physical classes need to submit a consent form from their parents, according to news agency ANI. The move came in the wake of a rapid fall in Covid-19 cases.
Schools have already opened for students of class 12 since July 15, even though physical attendance has not been made mandatory. The government has also allowed physical classes technical institutions with 50 per cent attendance while following all pandemic-related protocols such as wearing of masks, social distancing, regular sanitisation etc.
On July 8, the government lifted the night curfew in 10 out of 18 urban areas in Gujarat and allowed the resumption of coaching classes for students of class 9 to post graduate courses along with competitive exams with 50 per cent attendance.
Schools Reopen 2021
રાજ્યની શાળાઓમાં ધો-9થી 11ના વર્ગોની શાળાઓમાં આગામી 26 જુલાઇ 2021 એટલે કે, સોમવારથી ફિઝિકલ-ભૌતિક શૈક્ષણિક કાર્ય ફરી શરૂ કરવામાં આવશે. મુખ્યમંત્રી વિજય રૂપાણીના અધ્યક્ષસ્થાને મળેલી કોર કમિટીની બેઠકમાં આ અંગેનો નિર્ણય લેવામાં આવ્યો છે.
શાળા વર્ગોમાં અભ્યાસ માટે આવનારા વિદ્યાર્થીઓએ પોતાના વાલીનું સંમતિપત્રક પણ લાવવાનું રહેશે. આ સાથે ઓનલાઈન એજ્યુકેશન સિસ્ટમ પણ યથાવત ચાલુ રાખવામાં આવશે તેવો નિર્ણય પણ મુખ્યમંત્રીએ કોર કમિટીમાં કર્યો છે. ધો-9થી 11ના વર્ગો આગામી 26 જુલાઈ-2021થી શાળાઓમાં શરૂ થાય ત્યારે કોરોના સંક્રમણ નિયંત્રણની ગાઈડલાઈન-SOPનું પાલન થાય તે પણ શિક્ષણ વિભાગે સુનિશ્ચિત કરાવવાનું રહેશે.
Schools Reopen 2021
હવે ધો-9થી 11ના શાળા વર્ગો 26 જુલાઈથી શરૂ થશે : રાજ્ય સરકારે આ અગાઉ તારીખ 9 જુલાઈથી ઉચ્ચત્તર માધ્યમિક ધો-12ના વર્ગો તેમજ ડિપ્લોમા-ડિગ્રીના કોલેજ વર્ગો 50 ટકા કેપેસિટીથી શરૂ કરાવેલા છે. હવે ધો-9થી 11ના શાળા ઓફલાઇ વર્ગો પણ આગામી 26 જુલાઈથી શરૂ થશે.
શાળાઓ ખુલતા જ જોઇશે નીચેની અગત્યની ફાઈલો જરૂર ડાઉનલોડ કરી લેશો.
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શાળાઓ શરુ કરવા માટેની માર્ગદર્શિકા(SOPs)
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