Fun To Learn Mathematics : Applied mathematics is the application of mathematical methods by different fields such as physics, engineering, medicine, biology, finance, business, computer science, and industry. Thus, applied mathematics is a combination of mathematical science and specialized knowledge.
Learn math, check homework and study for upcoming tests and ACTs/SATs with the most used math learning app in the world! Got tricky homework or class assignments? Get unstuck ASAP with our step-by-step explanations and animations. Learning progress tracked with details reports will help users to review and find the right courses to improve math skills. Solutions guided steps by step will ensure everyone find easily to understand.
Fun To Learn Mathematics

Easy Math not only helps you to learn maths, also challenges your brain with Speed Test, or Playing in Duel with your friends and both to improve math skills. You can play duel or speed test with all the courses designed for learning. It’s also Mathematical Game with interesting games, endless puzzles to resolve, which is challenging all ages, including adults with multiple levels – to help everyone to develop abstract and logical thinking.
Easy Maths is a amazing math application for students, teachers and parents. Having more than 30 thousand of mathematical questions/quiz, Easy Maths has proven methods of increasing your brain power.
Fun To Learn Mathematics
Easy Maths is a Game for Kids which providing a daily test to practice on random math operations. The printable math quizzes are awesome practice on math worksheets for kids to reinforce basic math concepts and improve the speed as well as accuracy on basic math facts.
Fun To Learn Mathematics
Easy Maths is an online platform for managing data associated with its tutoring classes in the most efficient and transparent manner. It is a user-friendly app with amazing features like online attendance, fees management, homework submission, detailed performance reports and much more- a perfect on- the- go solution for parents to know about their wards’ class details. It’s a great amalgamation of simple user interface design and exciting features; greatly loved by students, parents, and tutors.
These maths apps teach kids about why maths is so important in everyday life too. Some of the below apps is specifically designed to target the math domains and standards required for Elementary, Middle and High School students following the Common Core State Standards for Maths. Other few maths apps are designed to follow the programmes of study for the England National Curriculum. Everyone solves math problems differently, and conventional education methods may not be the best way to a learner’s understanding.
Rocket Math app helps children to learn math facts and it doesn’t need to be hard. Scientifically designed for success, the Rocket Math Online Game offers a way to teach kids math facts so that they can enjoy it, do it well, and do it quickly. They cannot help but learn their math facts from playing this game. Children can log in and play from any device, anywhere, any time of day!
Fun To Learn Mathematics
DoodleMaths is a maths programme that supports maths learning in homes and schools. It identifies children’s weaker areas in learning and adapts a programme to that child. Designed and optimised for mobile and tablet, DoodleMaths is perfect for learning on-the-go and as a support for homework. It is used both to raise attainment with lower attaining pupils and extend the more able, regardless of special educational needs or language barriers. Its in-built intelligence identifies the strengths and weaknesses unique to each child and constructs a work program specific to their needs.
Available for free on both Android and iOS platforms, Photomath app can easily solve math problems by using the camera of your mobile device. All you have to do is just point the camera towards a math problem and PhotoMath will instantly display the answers with detailed step-by-step instructions. Regarded as the best app for maths, Photomath finds a solution to maths questions using augmented reality features.