Gujarat PG Medical Admission he Admission Committee for Professional Postgraduate Medical Courses (ACPPGMEC) has released the Gujarat NEET PG 2021 application form on the official website. The application form of Gujarat NEET PG 2021 can be filled till November 16. Before Gujarat NEET PG registration 2021, aspirants need to purchase a PIN number from the website. A link to fill Gujarat MD/MS application form can be checked below. Gujarat PG medical admission 2021 can be done on the basis of NEET PG scores.
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Gujarat PG Medical Admission
Based on marks scored in the National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET-PG), admission will be provided to the candidates. Aspiring and eligible candidates can fill the registration form online mode on the provided schedule.
Through this content, applicants will know the detailed information of Gujarat PG Medical Admission Dates, Counseling Registration, and Procedure. The authority has also released instruction for Mop Up round. The candidates who want to attend offline mop up round have to give online consent by July 22. Earlier, the authority has conducted two rounds of counselling. The seat allotment list and cutoff for round 1 and 2 is covered in the article.
Gujarat PG Medical Admission
For Online Registration, PIN can be purchased online (website: on payment of Rs. 2000/- (Rupees two thousand only- Non-refundable).
Help Centers will remain closed on Government Holidays and Sundays.
Candidate has to take prior appointment for the Document Verification and Submission of photocopies of Documents at Help Center. Candidate, himself/herself, can select the Date, time and Help Center of his/her choice for Document Verification at the time of printing the Registration Slip.

For any guidance about registration or for further process of admission, candidate has to visit help center. List of help center is mentioned on the website of admission committee
For NRI Candidates only: After online application, they have to submit Demand draft of Rs. 25,000/-(Rupees twenty-five thousand only – Non-refundable) in favor of ACPUGMEC, payable at Gandhinagar as a processing fee at the office of ACPUGMEC & ACPPGMEC, GMERS Medical College, Gandhinagar Only. The document verification and submission will be done only at Office of ACPPGMEC, GMERS Medical College, Gandhinagar.
Gujarat PG Medical Admission
Detail information about admission process is available on website Please visit this website frequently for updated information by the admission committee.
Note: Students can make online registration from the website itself:, but to complete the registration process, they will have to go to the Help Center with their required certificates and registration slip.
Important Dates :
Online Pin purchase for online registration (website: 12.11.2021 (10:30 AM) to 16.11.2021 (03.30 PM)
Online Registration: 12.11.2021 (10:30 AM) to 16.11.2021 (06:00 PM)
Document Verification and Submission of photocopies of Documents at Help Center: 12.11.2021 (02:00 PM) to 17.11.2021 (03:30 PM)
Important Links::
Official Website: Click Here
- Advertisement – Online Registration (MD/MS/DIPLOMA)
- Procedure for Online Registration – PG
- Process of Online Admission – PG
- Instructions for NRI Candidates
- Format for Undertaking for GMC Registration
- Authority Letter
All information regarding admission process will be published only on the website of Admission Committee ( now onwards.