PTC Gujarat D.El.Ed Admission 2021 : Gujarat State Examination Board (GSEB) announces admission notification for Admission into 01-Year’s Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed) for the Academic Year 2021-21 and PTC (Pre- Primary Teaching Certificate). The students who want to receive D.El.Ed admissions can fill up the Application Form. Directorate of Primary Education has published Admission Announcement for D.El.Ed (PTC) 2021-22. for further details check authorized Notification.
PTC Gujarat D.El.Ed Admission 2021
Directorate of Primary Education Gujarat is going to release the Gujarat PTC D.El.Ed Application 2021 in the upcoming months. Students who have the eligibility & interest in D.El.Ed admission notification those are waiting for the PTC Gujarat D.El.Ed Application Form. The D.El.Ed admission application form will start in the month of July. The last date for the Gujarat D.El.Ed admission online application form in the month of August. The PTC Gujarat D.El.Ed Selection Process is a basis on the 12th class examination. Candidates can follow the below article to know the application dates, PTC Gujarat D.El.Ed Eligibility, admission process, merit list release date and other details in the below article.

Directorate of Primary Education Gujarat every year conducts the various courses admission process. The huge number of aspirants every year applied Gujarat state D.El.Ed admission process. Now this year the state board authorities going to conducting the D.El.Ed Admission Notification 2021 for various colleges. Candidates who want to take the D.El.Ed admission at Gujarat state checks the admission details through the official page.
RTE Admission 2021 – Apply for STD 1 Admission
PTC Gujarat D.El.Ed Admission 2021
The authorities are going to publish the admission official notification pdf in the coming weeks. Students before applying the admission notification check the PTC Gujarat D.El.Ed Application Dates 2021 and other details. After completing the admission application form date, the authorities check the admission form and release the PTC Gujarat D.El.Ed Merit List 2021. The authorities release the admission application form merit list on its web page.
Name of the State Board | Directorate of Primary Education Gujarat |
Admission For | D.El.Ed |
The Academic Year | 2021-22 |
Application Starting Date | August 6th 2021 |
Last Date for Application Date | August 18th 2021 |
Application Mode | Offline Mode |
Admission Process | 12th Class-based merit list |
Article Category | PTC Gujarat D.El.Ed Admission 2021 |
Official Website | |
PTC Gujarat D.El.Ed Admission 2021
Eligibility for Admission: Higher Secondary Certificate Examination (Std. 12) in Science Stream, General Stream, Vocational and North Basic Stream Must have passed with at least 50% marks out of the total marks including the experimental subject.
Minimum Gubr for admission: – Candidate should have got at least 50% marks out of the total marks in the examination of the prescribed streams. But reserve | Candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Socially and Educationally Backward Classes as well as Economically Weaker Classes should have at least 5%.Marks must be obtained.
Medium of Admission: Candidate will be eligible for admission in the same medium in which he has passed Std-10 examination.
PTC Gujarat D.El.Ed Admission 2021
Age limit: Candidates 01/07/2021 All the candidates who are not more than 24 years of age will be considered eligible for admission. Scheduled Caste Scheduled Caste.There will be a relaxation of five years in age for tribal, socially and educationally backward class (SEBC) as well as economically weaker class candidates 33 years . Till widowed sisters will be eligible for admission.
After releasing the admission merit list the candidates waiting for the counseling dates. The state board authorities release the Gujarat D.El.Ed Admission Counselling 2021 notification on its web page. Students who shortlisted in the admission merit list those can check the application selected list pdf through the official website. Aspirants can carry the documents listed by the state board authorities. The D.El.Ed admission required documents list is mentioned below.
- 10th class certificate
- Inter Mark Sheet
- Academic Year certificate
- Original ID Proof.
- Cast Certificate.
- Transfer Certificate – (TC)
- Resident Certificate
- Other required documents.
PTC Gujarat D.El.Ed Admission 2021
Name of Organization : Office of the Director of Primary Education Diploma
Course Name : PTC (D.El.Ed.)
Category : Admission
Important Links:
Click Here for PTC Admission Notification