Social Science GK Test 2 : Shikshanjagat is the most searched website in Gujarat for Competitive exams study material. We daily provide Model Papers, Current Affairs, GK Quiz, Online Mock Test, Educational Updates and Many useful information. Social Science GK Test 2 if for the aspirants who are preparing for SSC, GPSC, UPSC, Bank, Railway, TET, TAT, HMAT, Talati, Clerk And Many exams.
Social Science GK Test 2
Online education is a flexible instructional delivery system that encompasses any kind of learning that takes place via the Internet. Online learning gives educators an opportunity to reach students who may not be able to enroll in a traditional classroom course and supports students who need to work on their own schedule and at their own pace.

The quantity of distance learning and online degrees in most disciplines is large and increasing rapidly. Schools and institutions that offer online learning are also increasing in number. Students pursuing degrees via the online approach must be selective to ensure that their coursework is done through a respected and credentialed institution.
આ પણ જુવો : સામાજિક વિજ્ઞાન ઓનલાઈન ટેસ્ટ – 1
Social Science GK Test 2
Online education has become a viable and exciting method for instructional delivery in the global business society that runs on a 24/7 schedule (24 hours a day/7 days a week) because it provides students with great flexibility.
With the increased availability of the Internet and computer technology, students are able to access information anytime and anyplace that would normally be available only through a traditional classroom. Studies have shown that students learn just as effectively in an online classroom as they do in the traditional classroom.
Online teaching is here to stay. Many students prefer the online classroom since it offers flexibility in their busy schedules. With the proliferation of information and knowledge, students must become lifelong learners in today’s world, and online education plays an important role in helping individuals access the learner-centered and self-directed instruction.
આ પણ જુવો : TPEO, બીટ કે.નિ. પરીક્ષા ઓનલાઈન ટેસ્ટ
Social Science GK Test 2
With enhanced software, hardware, and Internet access, more options for online education will become available. With student enrollments increasing faster than classrooms can be built, students becoming more proficient with technology, and students pursuing an education that meets their needs, the future of online education will continue to grow. Online degree programs will become more widely accepted as they become a more common practice.
Social science, any branch of academic study or science that deals with human behaviour in its social and cultural aspects. Usually included within the social sciences are cultural (or social) anthropology, sociology, psychology, political science, and economics. The discipline of historiography is regarded by many as a social science, and certain areas of historical study are almost indistinguishable from work done in the social sciences. Most historians, however, consider history as one of the humanities.
Social Science GK Test 2
In the United States, focused programs, such as African-American Studies, Latinx Studies, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, are, as a rule, also included among the social sciences, as are often Latin American Studies and Middle Eastern Studies, while, for instance, French, German, or Italian Studies are commonly associated with humanities. In the past, Sovietology was always considered a social science discipline, in contrast to Russian Studies.
Beginning in the 1950s, the term behavioral sciences was often applied to the disciplines designated as the social sciences. Those who favoured this term did so in part because these disciplines were thus brought closer to some of the sciences, such as physical anthropology and physiological psychology, which also deal with human behaviour.
Social Science GK Test 2
Here is Social Science Gk Online mock Test for the candidates who are preparing for competitive exams. In this test you will find Top 20 GK Questions related Social Science. You can also download certificate after submitting the test. So enjoy the Test and increase your general knowledge.
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